Well I decided I didn't like my thick cabochon maiden's head, so I made a new one. The new one may not look that different to you, but it is about 1/3 of the thickness of the old one and is just the head outline; I didn't like the random shape around the face before. This took a little practice. For one thing, I made a new mold out of polymer clay. Then I used some very soft clay (it came with a cranium game) to practice getting just the head, without any outer part. I must have tried about 10 times to get it right. Then when I switched to the real deal(sculpey), I forgot to dust the mold with a release agent, so that took a few tries. A friend of mine with mold-making experience told me that you first make a rigid mold out of a plaster-like substance, because this substance won't go behind raised portions of the item you are making a mold of and get "locked in" back there. Then you use a rubbery compound and pour that in your rigid mold to get a flexible mold. I was so glad she counseled me, as I was going to pour rubbery stuff around my carved head and might have ruined it.
However, I did buy something called Sculpey Moldmaker(Super Elasticlay). I think you add it to polymer clay to make a more flexible mold. Haven't tried that yet.
Did a little more work on the August BJP embroidery - can you tell it is Art Nouveau inspired?
Happy Beading,
Lin Moon
oh yes...she's a perfect little victorian lady!
She's fabulously victorian.
errrr, how about Art Nouveau!
I can see the difference in the new head. This is already looking lovely, can't wait to see what more you do with it.
This has to be one of the greatest adventures in mold making I have seen in a long time. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Kathy V in NM
this is great - and very interesting. I've done some moulded faces recently, but only with bought moulds, not tried to make moulds myself. (note to self: you do not need more things to try...)
Yes, the new head is definitely an improvement. My hat is off to you for practicing and working at it until you got her just the way you wanted her! The beading is perfect for her. Looking forward to seeing her again as your progress.
I like it better with just the face, too. This is a great start!
Great beginning. Can't wait to see what it finishes up looking like.
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