A button for you to enjoy!
Well, my progress on the May TIF has been impacted by teenagers! Last night was Academic Awards, tonight was the High School Band's spring concert and tomorrow night is the senior prom. So I have been making alterations to "the dress" for prom, instead of doing embroidery.
I don't do reality well. (Wouldn't that be a great thing to say to someone when they're busy pointing out your flaws?....Well, yes, officer, I was speeding a little, but you see, I don't do reality well.)
Anyway, when I was thinking about the May TIF and its design, I realized I just don't do realistic that well. Since some representation of "me" was going to be part of the design, I didn't really want to put a real image of me there. And when I've worked on other designs, I've felt the same way. As some of you know, I work part-time at Borders Books. Most of my time there is spent in the Children's section. Every Wednesday night I do Storytime, where I read 5 or 6 books to a small group of kids. Children's books have such whimsy, such silliness, and can evoke such a mood. I want my designs to do the same. I'm certainly no impressionist. Maybe it's the fairy tales I gobbled up in my childhood, but I find I want mermaids, fairies, a man in the moon, animal kings, mysterious things...
I was looking at a how-to book on drawing, and it struck me that I don't want to know how to draw something I'm looking at, I want to know how to draw what's in my head. Of course, that's somewhat nebulous at times....I've tried to think of making a design that represents some momentous thing in my life and it's so difficult. One thing is that momentous things are not always pleasant - a death in the family, menopause, abuse, loss - will I really want to look at a design that reminds me of these things? I like my finished product to be pleasing to look at.... is that a shortcoming? I think it's easier for me to think of representing a moment in time, and probably a fantasy moment, at that.
How do YOU design? I'm curious about the thought process that people go through to come up with a design. Do you have thoughts to share?
Keep on stitchin',
~Lin Moon