Well, I haven't posted for awhile - if I had, the post title would have been "too sad to stitch". My Dad has been in and out of the hospital, first with pneumonia, then with a stroke. His wife called me one night at 10:30 because they were at the emergency room, so I went there and stayed 'til the wee hours. It's so hard to get any information at the hospital. And, it turns out he never got around to writing a will or making a medical power of attorney, so if he had been unable to speak after the stroke, no one would have been able to get any info from him. He's kind of a stubborn man, you can't tell him anything. They wanted him to wear pressurized knee socks to prevent another stroke and he flat out refused the first 5 people who told him to wear them. I really miss my daughter who's away at college and feel so sad when I get home from work and she's not there to talk to. My husband's company is laying off 3000 people and we won't find out if he's one of them until they announce it December 16. I love Christmas, but I'm not sure how it will feel this year.... I'm sure there are lots of people worse off than I, but sometimes it is just overwhelming. If you've read this far, I thank you and ask for a small prayer that my husband may be one of the lucky ones.
Oh, goodness... you have more than your share of worries this year. I'll be thinking of you and your family.
So sorry your dad has been ill. Why are men so stubborn??????
Praying for you and your family.
I am so sorry to hear about all your troubles. Hopefully everything will turn out for the best. I will be thinking about you
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