Well, I got sidetracked and ended up making a bra I didn't even plan to do....
I haven't yet finished my "Under the Sea" bra - the mermaid's hair is done and she looks pretty good, but I need to add some other stuff to that side of the bra. In the meantime, I came upon a brooch I made a long time ago - it was a heart and I had glued pearl buttons, brass charms and filled in all the spaces with small pearls. It turned out really pretty (IMHO), but way too heavy to wear, so it just sits in a drawer. I'll try to take a pic of it.... Anyway, I thought why not make a pink version, but on a bra? You can see the results below. It was really fun to get out all my pink stuff - some things I bought never knowing what I would use them for, since they are really too big for CQ. You can certainly work a lot faster when you glue things, than when you stitch them on! But I really do love doing embroidery, so I can't see this becoming a way of life....

This one will be going to North Carolina for display and will be auctioned off for Breast Cancer Research at my church's event later.
Happy Stitching,
Lin Moon