Friday, May 18, 2007


I did not do this embroidery, but I wanted to share it with you. It's done on a chenille knitted vest that was a gift from my sister. She said she thought it looked like something I'd make....It's very pretty, don't you think?

Well, yesterday I was teaching my 17-year old some embroidery stitches. She learned the whipped backstitch, lazy daisy, chain, french knot, and herringbone. We were looking at my encrusted block (shown here). Except for the ribbon-work, she had learned almost every stitch on my block. That made me realize just how few stitches you need to know, and that it's the creative way they are combined that really makes the block. Not to mention color and fiber choice. She was learning stitches using regular floss, and doing the same stitch in a metallic ribbon really changed the effect. It just struck me how much you can do with just a few stitches!

I do think it's important to have a lot of stitches at your disposal. SharonB's inaminuteago has been instrumental in introducing us to new stitches and showing different ways in which they can be used. And looking at everyone's stitching on the TAST group is like getting a new book full of inspiration! But how many books get new pages added all the time?....

Happy Stitching!


Pamela Kellogg said...

Lin Moon, these motifs are stunning! I love your buttons too!

Cat said...

I clicked on the link to your block and am simply amazed! It is so beautiful!! You are very talented!

Lovely blog!

Nellie's Needles said...

Thanks for your visit to my "Painted Flowers".

Your stitchery is amazing and so beautiful. I'm delighted to read that your daughter is interested in learning. I'm hoping that my 6-year old granddaughter wants to learn this beautiful needlework skill/art. I'm hoping she and her boy cousins get curious about the knot project for the Iraqi war art piece and want to make some too.

Susan said...

How fortunate you are to have a daughter, and one who wants to learn stitching from you. How lucky she is to have a mom who can teach her those things.