I've been working on this piece for SharonB's Stitch Explorer 2009. In Assisi, the main motif is left unembroidered, but is surrounded by embroidery. I really like black, so decided upon this panther for my main motif. I had some challenges with stitching over the felted portions, like underneath the panther's body. The felted area stood up higher than the panther, yet needed to look like it was underneath/behind it. I had fun doing the fern on the right in the trellis stitch, and wished I had tried it sooner (as in last month's Stitch Explorer). I took the panther from a tapestry I have showing a tiger(see below).
This was really fun - I think I could improve on it, but will call it finished for now.....
Thanks Sharon, for another wonderful challenge idea.
Happy Stitching,
~Lin Moon
This is a wonderful piece, love the contrast between the panther and the background. :)
This is fantastic - the contrasts are wonderful - I love the black too.
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