Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Still in love with TASTY herringbone

herringbone 012
Originally uploaded by Lin Moon.
Even though TAST (see SharonB's inaminuteago) is on week 3(or is it 4?) I'm still doing some herringbone treatments. It's just too fun! Now on to cretan....


Virgi said...

I love how delicate your stitches are!
thanks for sharing it.

Susan said...

You've done some really beautiful things with this stich, and I like this one much better than the cretan. The bottom row, the beads and straight stitches at the top look like little pots of herbs. I love the middle row, but I think the top one is my favorite.

Gail said...

Beautiful. I like how dainty these stitches are. I do like the herringbone alot and you have made them so inviting.