This picture was taken at the igolochkoy booth. I talked a little with the woman at the booth and she told me they make their own needles! She said she likes to support the artists that use her special needles, so buys their work to support them and to show at her booth, so others could see the possiblities. This piece was wonderful!

This is Susan Fletcher King's entry for the Journal Quilt Project II.

I stopped at Mary Jo Hiney's booth and had a very nice conversation with her. She displayed this quilt in her booth; it is featured in her book called "Quiltagami". I really like the bottom of it, with the shapes and the beads hanging down. It was quite special.

This quilt is called "Midnight in the Garden of Hearts and Flowers" and was made by Judith Roush Knorr.

Diane Ricks made "Pacific Ocean Underwater Wonders". It is quite beautiful. Check out the stitching on the gold fish and the wonderful texture at the bottom of the quilt.

This one is called "Praise Ye Now Our Gardens Green" and was made by Sonia Grasvik.

I apologize for the fuzziness of some of the close-ups; as I kept visiting vendors my bag got heavier and heavier and it was hard to hold the camera still! (Such a terrible problem to have!) I had such fun there!
~Lin Moon