Wednesday, July 19, 2006

100 Details for 100 Days: Day 12 and not happy

Well I guess it happens to everyone sometime, but it's a bummer....You spend a few hours stitching, ripping, changing colors, re-stitching and finally finish and I don't really like it. But here it is anyway....See Sharon's Day 12 here. I made my straight-stitch sprays too close together to weave cording the way Sharon did, so just anchored down the zig-zag with beads.

Last night I was auditioning threads for the zig-zag stitch and happened upon an idea. I have a sleeve roll (one of those cylindrical pressing aids), but a ham could work also....
I pinned my CQ to the sleeve roll and placed black-headed pins at the top and bottom of where I ended up putting the zig zag. Then I was able to weave various colored threads around these pins, to audition the thread for color and also to see what it would look like with black beads. I have a box of pins with various-colored heads and so could use those to audition bead colors. Just a thought....

1 comment:

Susan said...

Lin, you are just filled with good ideas! You must have a very quick and creative mind. BTW, I really like this seam treatment. Standing away from it a few days, you probably like it better. I think it's beautiful. I love the little things that make us have to find a creative solution. Following along with Sharon doesn't mean having to be exactly like hers. =)