Friday, September 15, 2006


Here is my latest seam - it wasn't meant to look Christmas-y, really. I'm just trying to bring in the red from above left and the maroon from down below.

And on an entirely non-CQ note, my stitching is slowing down because of another project I've been working on - baby shower invitations. If you're interested, there's a pic further down. I found these baby letters in a magazine a long time ago, but the only letters were T, I and F. I modified them to keep the babies in them, but moved the borders of the letters around. I think it's pretty cute, even if I do say so myself!

1 comment:

Susan said...

I've really missed getting to see your posts every day! I have to travel some to get WiFi in Chama, and everything takes so much time. But today, I got to look!

I love your buttons. You come up with such interesting ones. Your seams are beautiful, as always, and I think I'll try the Iris when my new ribbons arrive.